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Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety with American PERMALIGHT®

Happy Halloween! This year, 2020, is a unique time for Halloween celebrations with masks and social distancing still a very real part of our reality. Thankfully, there are still fun and easy ways for you and your family and friends to have a safe but fun Halloween.

Drive-Through Trick-or-Treating

This year, to minimize contact between the little ghouls and goblins, many larger businesses, shopping malls, even city governments are hosting drive-thru trick-or-treating events. Kids get to stay in the car while a grown-up safely drives through the festively decorated area and the children receive clean, sealed candies while looking at the fun costumed employees and decorations safely from the car.

While these are socially distanced events, everyone participating should remain masked and keep hands away from the face, eyes, and mouth until they can be properly cleaned and sanitized.

To find one of these events near you, simply Google search “drive through trick or treating + your city name, state” and your local options should pop-up, or ask a fellow neighbor on the phone or online about them!

Scary Movies at Home

Another fun way to get in a spooky mood for Halloween is to stay home and watch scary movies! Find a few movies to queue up for the night, and have plenty of candy, snacks, and yummy fizzy drinks to keep your and your family’s bellies full. If you have little ones, we suggest building a pillow fort low in front of the TV for them to hide out in.

Fun Glow-in-the-Dark Decorating

Use PERMALIGHT® Glow Tape to make safe and fun Halloween decorations and costumes! We love this stick figure costume idea, which you can easily make with a head-to-toe dark outfit and our PERMALIGHT® Glow Tape. Take this time to use the tape to guard against any visibility issues in your house, as this tape can be used to mark light switches, stair handrails, and other hard-to-see-in-the-dark areas of your home!

In Conclusion

Whatever you decide to do this year, it is recommended to:

  • Stay away from large social gatherings
  • Maintain social distance
  • Always wear a mask that covers both your mouth and nose
  • Wash and sanitize your hands as much as possible

Read the full CDC guidelines for Halloween Safety directly from the CDC here: Trick or Treating and Other Halloween Activities

We at American PERMALIGHT® hope you and your family, friends, and loved ones stay safe during this spooky holiday season!

American PERMALIGHT® - Guide & Protect - Since 1988